First semester is coming to a close. I have three exams and one week to get through and then it’s over, my first semester of university. I feel like I was just settling in to routine and comfortable with all my teachers and classes; now I will have an all new schedule, with all new teachers, with the addition of clinical. I’m glad I have a little time over Christmas to reflect on first semester, review some of my new skills and prepare for next semester. I feel like first semester, although valuable in the information learned, was a trial run. I learned advanced studying techniques, and things not to do. I really felt drained after midterms and fell behind on my readings at this time. I felt like I was taking one day at a time, not able to move ahead or adequately prepare for my classes. I will be aware of this pitfall for next semester and will hopefully avoid the same result. My room, while tidy and clean at the beginning of this semester is now a hovel of papers and books. Over break I will need to tidy and organize it again, as I know I always work better when it’s clean. Overall first semester has been a positive productive experience in which I gained valuable information and skills that I am excited to use next semester in clinical practice. I just hope I remember enough!!!!!!!